Saturday, January 07, 2006

where is the world headed?

I think I know the answer to the above we all do. I have a heavy heart today, as I do a lot of the time when this hits me as it has today, and I just want to share it this time.
I was working away at work today, and I thought.....everyone, except for a handful of my fellow employees are lost. It gave me a sick feeling, because I know I haven't acted in a Christlike manner a lot of times, and if they aren't going to see Christ in me (and other believers at work) then in whom are they going to see Him?

I really need your prayers...I work in a harsh relational environment. There are a lot of hard heads at my work, and sometimes it makes just going to work pretty tough. Thank-you to those of you who are praying for me.

Oh Lord come quickly!

I am thankful for my job, it is a pretty decent wage, don't get me wrong. Just some days I think too much...and maybe I should try to think less. BUT, i think in the case today God spoke to me. My wife has been good for me to. I appreciate her "real"ness...she is not fake, she is really genuine. I would say that I have been fake a lot of my life, like not talking about things that need to be talked about, etc. Then emotions get kept inside, and in the last year or two I have had some pretty touch days because this boil over. Thanks again to my wife for being there for me, and consoling me, and helping me to make it through those tough times.

I love you Heather, and I thank the Lord for you.

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