Friday, March 07, 2008

The first ultra sound!!!!

Hey all, after reading the title you probably don't need me to even write anything down here. You guessed it, Heather is preg-o. Is that crazy or what????? We didn't want to tell anyone until after heather went for her first ultra sound, because we sort of had to see it to believe it...although Heather was pretty convinced after puking pretty much EVERY morning, a lot of the time it was multiple times. Poor girl, I feel bad...especially because there is really nothing I can do. Want some more crackers sweetie? Hot water and lemon? Want me to leave you alone? haha. It has already been quite the experience.

Praise the Lord that my plumbing works, and that we will be having a child. I can't wait to be a daddy. I don't even care if it is a boy or a girl...just praying that it is healthy. We appreciate all of your prayers. Thanks.

a la prochaine...