Monday, September 25, 2006

Two years already!!!!!!!

Wow, it's kinda hard to's already been two years since Heather and I tied the knot.
Two years really isn't all that long, I know, but heather said to me just the other day, "can you believe that were married?" So, she hasn't even gotten used to being married yet. I guess that is good, we still have the flame that we had right from the start, which isn't the case in about 1/3 of marriages today...ending in's pretty sad.

I am so glad that I am in a loving relationship with my wife. I love you heather, thank-you for your love and friendship...hears to many more years!

All Clear!

I should have written that the financing was all approved. So, as a result, we get possession Nov. 24th.
We are so excited, we can hardly wait!
If anyone out there knows of any good deals on water softeners or water filtration systems, please let us know........thanks!