Saturday, December 09, 2006

Our first Christmas tree in our first house....exciting.

We went out with Mark Jolin and his girls (mariah and ada) to pick out our Christmas trees. We went to a place outside of Cambridge, towards Hamilton, where you are taken back to the trees in a wagon pulled by a tractor. You are free to roam their many fields of different types of trees, and when you find the one you want, you cut it down. Then you go back to the wagon, if it is there you get on, if not, you wait until it brings the next group. Then you are taken back to the main area. At the main area, they shake your tree, wrap it with the tree wrapper and you can get a nice hot cup of cider. It was a neat experience, and if you've never done it, you should!

Our new house is coming along, unpacking is going well....but there are some boxes in the basement that need to be unpacked or stored. We are very happy to be out of our apartment. Thank the Lord for this provision!

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