Friday, April 07, 2006

Poor Annie

First of all, I just read my friend Andy's should too. He just wrote a good one on Creation

Secondly, I want to tell you about our little kitty Annie. I just dropped her off at the vet this morning. She is getting spayed. She was so scared...the poor little girl......well, I guess she won't be a "girl" much longer.
Mason seemed to be pretty happy when I got home, could have been for one of two reasons. Annie is gone, because he really doesn't like her. Or, he was alone, and was just happy that he wasn't deserted all together!

Anyway.......I hope annie is ok, and will recover fine after.

1 comment:

Nan said...

It is amazing how much we take our little companions for granted until they are away for a while, eh? Keep us posted on how little Annie is doing....