Sunday, May 14, 2006've gotta try it!

So, here are of the few shots we took on our trip. We had a really great time...and we even kinda got spoiled with some nice weather. I think the May's would even admit it. Heather always tells me that there is a May curse or something...when they go camping it's not usually very good weather. Last year we had a couple of really bad days, and maybe only one good day, and then a couple of not bad days. This year we had three days of great weather.

The weather, I must admit made this trip easier on me than last year...and I guess that we didn't do as much moving as last year.

Although this year we did a
3200m portage...last year our largest was 2345m. The biggest one this year was listed on the Park map as 2800m, but we thought it seemed longer than that...sure enough in a book about a lady who had been traveling the Park for 70 some years said that it was actually we felt better after having read that.

Anyway, it was such a great time...but at the end it was good to get home and start recovering. I am already looking forward to next year. I don't think I'm ready for more than one of those trips per year yet.

Thanks to the rest of the people who were along with us. It was a really great week. Thanks to our Lord for his beautiful creation that we enjoyed first hand for 6 days.......we really do take it for granted I think. Posted by Picasa

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